January 24th is International Education Day, a holiday dedicated to promoting equal education access around the world and celebrating the people working for universal education access.
Currently, there are more than 250 million children and adolescents out of school. For these young people, the loss of education represents the loss of opportunities – to develop necessary skills, determine their future, and break the cycle of poverty in their families.
Across the developing world, multiple factors keep children out of school. For many children in water-stressed communities, however, the main barrier to finishing their education is a lack of safe water access at school and at home.
Children, especially girls, frequently shoulder the burden of collecting water for their families. In areas where water is scarce, this task can take hours out of every day, causing kids to be absent and miss vital lessons at school. Meanwhile, lack of running water in schools leaves children and teachers alike more vulnerable to the spread of diseases, endangering young people’s health and causing them to fall behind in their education.
H2O4ALL is dedicated to helping the next generation in our client communities build a brighter future for themselves and their families. To this end, it is vital to break down barriers to education wherever we find them. By implementing safe water systems in schools, we ensure that children in water-stressed communities can stay in school and reach their full potential.