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Bright Futures in Kyempene Village

Our first major project of the  2023 year was in Kyempene Village, Uganda. Last January, we partnered with Reach One Touch One Ministries to implement a safe water project at Life Primary and Secondary Schools. Thanks to that project, the schools now have a safe water system that provides up to 23,000 litres a day.
With safe water at the school, Life Schools staff expect up to 1,500 children from Kyempene and the surrounding communities this year. Later that year, we returned to help Life Schools support their growing student body with a new electrical system and a food sustainability project.

In July 2023, our Uganda team began installing a new electrical system in the primary and secondary schools. We returned in October to lay down a power line from the town to the school, and the lights were on at Life Schools by the middle of November.

That summer also saw the construction of Life Schools’ new poultry farm, which is now home to 50 healthy chicks. School staff hope the farm will provide eggs for every child at Life Schools by the beginning of the 2024 term. They have plans to add more chickens as the school grows, as well as start a vegetable farm.

After the success of our first food sustainability project in Mawotto, Uganda, in 2020, we recognize the impact of proper nutrition on children’s development. We hope the new food sustainability project in Kyempene will have a similar effect at Life Schools, and pave the way for future food sustainability endeavors in H2O4ALL’s client communities.

Watch this video to learn how access to clean and safe water has changed the lives of children and youth in Kyempene Village

Education opens doors for new oppourtunities. Help support Educational through Sanitation and Safe water access.

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