Since 2008, H2O4ALL has improved the lives of over 650,000 women and girls by improving water access in their communities. Women and girls are usually responsible for gathering water for their families, which can take hours on each trip. As a result of this burden, some girls miss school, leading them to fall behind in class and sometimes drop out of school.
Meanwhile, mothers lack employment opportunities and the ability to contribute financially to the family’s needs because of the time lost each day gathering water. The time and energy lost to collecting water severely limits women’s opportunities and traps families in the cycle of poverty.When the burden of accessing water is relieved, women and girls are protected and empowered to learn, grow, earn incomes, and succeed.
We would like to acknowledge the generous contributions of the Frank H. Hori Foundation to H2O4ALL’s Women’s Empowerment cause. To learn more about their story and the work that they do, please read more in our donor spotlight.