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Why We're Moving for Water in August 2024

On August 10th, H2O4ALL supporters across Canada will be coming together for our first-ever Move 4 Water event. Throughout this summer, we’ve been calling on our friends to make moves for safe water by creating their own fundraisers and mobilizing their communities, and we are proud to say that we’ll have several fundraising teams walking, swimming, running, and even kayaking their way toward global safe water access.

As we prepare for the big day, we’ve put the question out: why do we move for water? Here are just a few of the reasons why.

So others don’t have to. The average time a woman in Africa or Asia spends each day walking for water is six kilometres. In areas with scarce natural water, the trip can be even longer, requiring girls to be away from home for hours and frequently causing them to miss school. Through safe water access, we can lift a heavy burden from women and girls in water-stressed communities and give them a chance for a brighter future.

As a reminder not to take water for granted. If you’re lucky enough to have running water in your home, it’s easy to lose sight of how vital – and how fragile – water access really is. We’re moving for water because every person deserves to have their basic needs met. 

Because the need for intervention is greater than ever. There are more than a billion people in the world getting by without access to safe water. That number is expected to grow within the coming years, as many of these people live in areas vulnerable to climate change. This year, the need for change is greater than ever – and that change could start with you.

Because just $1.50 can save a life this year. Every year, 1.4 million people die because of preventable waterborne diseases. But with just $1.50, you can give safe water to one person for a year. Just a small donation can keep another person safe from deadly waterborne diseases and possibly save their life. 

Because we can make a greater impact together.  If just a small donation can save a life, how many lives can we save if we all work together?

Join us on August 10th to help change the world for the better. You can find a fundraiser near you at our Move 4 Water page.

This year alone another 1.4 MILLION PEOPLE WILL DIE from diseases related to contaminated water, sanitation, and hygiene. By working together to spread safe water access WE CAN SAVE LIVES!

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